I’m trying out a RTLS configuration and I see the following in the logs
attempting to open default.cfg
unable to open config file: default.cfg
main: config file load failed; defaulting to GUI only mode…
main: initializing GUI…
MainWindow: Using default LCM port…
MainWindow: LCM port is 7667
Shutting down host in preparation for a new configuration…
Config file missing bounds
main: switching to GUI only mode…
attempting to open /home/is-cuwb/is-decawave/ibm-office.cfg
successfully loaded the config file
initializing the host…
application v0.5.0.4
LCM v1.1.0
Uwbtalk v1.3.30
DPU: master node 01:00:0727 has been assigned network ID = 1
DPU: anchor node 01:00:0729 has been assigned network ID = 2
DPU: anchor node 01:00:072A has been assigned network ID = 3
DPU: anchor node 01:00:0728 has been assigned network ID = 4
DPU: anchor node 01:00:072C has been assigned network ID = 5
DPU: tag node 01:00:072B has been assigned network ID = 6
DPU: tag node 01:00:0000 has been assigned network ID = 7
DPU: tag node 01:00:0000 has been assigned network ID = 8
NodeLink: thread running…
BackLink: thread running…
NodeLink: successfully opened the serial port: /dev/ttyACM0
DPU: publishing configurations…
DPU: publishing configurations…
DPU: publishing configurations…
The log just keeps repeating the last line. My configuration is as follows:
“anchors”: [
“serial”: 16779049,
“x”: 22.5,
“y”: 18.800000000000001,
“z”: 2
“serial”: 16779050,
“x”: 30.399999999999999,
“y”: 9.4000000000000004,
“z”: 2
“serial”: 16779048,
“x”: 21.800000000000001,
“y”: 1.3999999999999999,
“z”: 2
“serial”: 16779052,
“x”: 15.699999999999999,
“y”: 13.699999999999999,
“z”: 2
“clocks”: [
“port”: “/dev/ttyACM1”,
“serial”: 16779047,
“x”: 25.52,
“y”: 17.719999999999999,
“z”: 2
“lcm_port”: 7667,
“run_host”: true,
“tags”: [
“serial”: 16779051
“serial”: 16777216
“serial”: 16777216
“twr_adjustment”: 0,
“x_max”: 1000000,
“x_min”: -1000000,
“y_max”: 1000000,
“y_min”: -1000000,
“z_max”: 10,
“z_min”: -10
All of the DWUSBs are running 0.6.9. I currently have all 4 anchors and 1 tag clustered on my desk to debug the configuration. The master is plugged into the laptop.
Is this the expected behavior? I was expecting to see some positional data appear.