CUWB v3.x (Bernoulli)

CUWB Viewer The CUWB Viewer is a 3D visualization of the CUWB RTLS. It provides a user interface displaying the locations of CUWB Network devices, such as Anchors and Tags in real time. The Viewer also presents basic system information, such as device status, statistics, sensor plotting, and more. CUWB Manager The Ciholas Ultra-Wideband (CUWB) Manager is the user facing tool for management, configuration, and operation of CUWB RTLS Networks. It was designed with a web-based User Interface (UI) making it accessible throughout users LAN. Multiple CUWB Networks can be set up and managed simultaneously.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 855 June 20, 2018
4 1782 March 13, 2019
1 1602 June 21, 2018